“Lockdown – Malaysia” what I hope to do with the extra time

Most of us are busy. We have many things that we would like to do but could not get them done. During this “lock down” or “social distancing” period, most of us will have a lot of time in our hands. Just sitting around and wasting time should be the last thing that we should do. I am a little lucky because being a doctor, I can still go to work. However work is very light. Foreigners are banned to travel to Malaysia and so most of us who see many Indonesian patients will have a drastic drop in patient load. Malaysian patients are also not encouraged to come to the hospital unless it is an emergency. I am determined to utilize this time to do some of the things that I have deferred doing for some time. This is my list and I encourage all Malaysians to make such a list. You may loose a golden opportunity to get some good work done during this quiet period.

  1. Do more exercise. 
    I am a doctor and I have to see patients. There are 2 things I can do to prevent getting infected The first is to wear masks and wash hands often. The second is to increase my immunity so that my body can fight off any virus that I come in contact with. We don’t know whether this strategy will work. However good health reduces mobidity and mortality from this virus. Regular exercise is a well-known solution to good health. Although I have been exercising, I could do with more regular exercise. I hope to exercise everyday for at least 1 hour
  2. Read more books.
    The only regular reading I am doing everyday is listening to audiobooks to and from work and when I am running. I have a stack of books that I want to read. Yesterday afternoon I went to the book store to buy some more books but at 4pm they were already closed. I subscribe to Scribd where I not only have access to audiobooks but also books in print. This will be a good time for me to read.
  3. Edit my operation videos and place them on Youtube.
    I perform many surgeries by laparoscopy and I have a list of interesting cases that I want to edit and place on Youtube. Others can learn from these videos just as I learn surgery by laparoscopy performed by other surgeons. These videos will also be of interest to the general public.
  4. Learn how to use certain application softwares.
    I have always wanted to be really good at certain softwares such as Word, Pages, Excel, Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. This is a good the time for me to take a short course over the internet and learn how to use these softwares effectively.
  5. Clean up my clinic
    There are so many things in my clinic that I need to throw away or file them properly. Time to get cracking.
  6. Reorganise my webpage.
    My webpage has been up and running for several years but I did not have time to look at it carefully and improve on it. It is time to do that.
  7. Research and write papers for journals
    The last few months I have been productive because I employed a new graduate as my research assistant and we wrote 4 papers. 2 of them have  already been published and then other 2, we have submitted for publication. My research assistant has started her housemanship. During this lockdown periods, I must utilize the time I have to write all the other papers that are pending for a long time.
  8. Complete the laparoscopy training box.
    I have been working on this laparoscopic training box for ages. It is still not completed yet because of some technical problems. I need to work on it and complete it.
  9. Watch educational videos.
    There are many free educational videos on the internet. Many congresses are now on line. I never had the time to join these virtual congresses before but now is the time to participate is these meetings.
  10. Optimise my social media sites
    I have been using social media for some time. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Twitter. This is the time to study the 4 different platforms and see how I can use them optimally. Unanswered questions on these platforms need to be answered.

Sevellaraja Supermaniam



Picture of Dr. Selva

Dr. Selva

Dr S. Selva (Sevellaraja Supermaniam) is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine at a private hospital in Melaka, Malaysia. He heads the O&G unit and the IVF Centre at the hospital.

More About Dr. Selva

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